How To Join And Benefit TrueMoney Agents
01 May 2020

Increasingly, the value of needs is increasing and needs to be obtained quickly. Do you also think that way? Knowing the conditions, you inevitably need to think about ways to meet needs efficiently and manage expenses. The electronic payment application, TrueMoney Indonesia, you can make a choice to meet your daily needs and increase income. How to join and what the benefits of TrueMoney agents will be explained below.

First of all, as the saying 'don't know, it's not dear', it's good to know in advance about this company. TrueMoney Indonesia is a business unit that has been established since 2015 under the auspices of Ascend Group, through PT Witami Tunai Mandiri. What's more, TrueMoney Indonesia is a trusted provider of electronic money and money transfer services that has received certification and permission as an organizer of electronic money and remittances.

TrueMoney Indonesia itself wants to help meet the needs of the community in electronic money transfer transactions and increase income at the same time quickly, easily and safely. TrueMoney Indonesia's transaction system which is engaged in providing electronic money services and money transfer services throughout Indonesia can answer the needs of the community. This service has implemented modern technology that can meet daily needs, especially for payment and purchase transactions.

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No Need to Hesitate to Send Money With #TRUEMONEYID

Sertifikasi E-Money Bank Indonesia No: 16/129/DKSP
Sertifikasi Remittance Bank Indonesia No:16/152/DKSP/58

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